Setting intentions at the beginning of the year is a common practice for many, one that I began about 15 years ago. I reflected on how this process has changed from my 40s to now as I approach my 60th birthday.
Our perspectives, experiences, and values evolve as we age, naturally changing how we set and prioritise intentions.
Here are some ways intention setting changes over time:
Increased Self-Awareness: With age comes a deeper understanding of oneself. As we become more aware of our strengths, weaknesses, and core values, our intentions align more closely with our authentic selves.
Emphasis on Meaning and Purpose: In the later stages of life, we often prioritise intentions that foster a sense of meaning and purpose. This may involve pursuing activities that align with personal values, contributing to the community, or nurturing meaningful relationships.
Prioritising Health and Wellness: Maintaining good health and overall well-being becomes increasingly essential as we age. Our intentions may focus on adopting healthier habits, managing stress, and prioritising self-care practices.
Embracing Adaptability: We learn to adapt to life's changing circumstances with time. Our intentions may reflect this increased flexibility as we set goals that can evolve with our ever-changing lives.
Quality Over Quantity: Rather than focusing on numerous intentions or superficial accomplishments, we prioritise quality experiences and meaningful connections. Intentions may be set around creating memorable moments and nurturing relationships with loved ones.
Emotional Intelligence: As we mature, we often better understand our emotions and those of others. This increased emotional intelligence influences intention setting, with a focus on cultivating empathy, emotional regulation, and nurturing fulfilling relationships.
Introspection and Reflection: Over time, we accumulate experiences and knowledge that inform our decision-making processes. Reflecting on past achievements, challenges, and personal growth can help us set intentions that align with our unique paths and aspirations.
Legacy and Impact: We begin to consider our impact on future generations and the world around us. Intentions may involve leaving a positive legacy through mentorship, volunteering, or other acts of service.
Intellectual Curiosity: Many of us begin to enjoy learning and expanding our knowledge base as we age. Intentions may centre around continued education, travel, or engaging in thought-provoking activities to keep the mind sharp and inspired.
Intention setting evolves as we age to reflect an increased self-awareness, emphasis on meaning and purpose, prioritisation of health and wellness, adaptability, quality experiences, emotional intelligence, introspection, and a desire for personal growth and impact. These shifts allow us to set intentions that enrich our lives and the lives of those around us.
P.S. The photo above captures a fond memory from a recent farewell dinner for one of our cherished Silver Sirens, Colleen Kierberg. As a frequent visitor from the US, Colleen spends time with her daughter in Australia each year, and we're delighted that their connection has brought Colleen into our thriving community. It's inspiring to witness the Silver Sirens' network continue to grow and flourish, embracing members from all around the globe.