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A Message from the Founder

“As I age, the need to be part of something bigger than myself increases”

-Faith Agugu

I strongly believe that we do not choose our mission but rather that our mission chooses us. That was the case with Silver Sirens. 

From its conception in 2018 in my therapy room, I sat across from women in their 40s and 50s who shared their frustration of invisibility, the taboo and discomfort of menopause, the grief of their empty nests, and the fear that life had somehow passed them by.

Each story ignited the need to create a space where these women could find identification, acceptance and community. 

Watching the growth of this movement over the past 5 years has been enlightening.  As the movement grows, so have I. Being the vision holder for this mission is challenging at times, the reward is that it continues to force me to face my fears and show up for myself and this community.

My vision for the Silver Sirens community is that we continue to expand our role as wisdom holders of our families, communities and the world. That we continue to challenge the limited narrative assigned to us as ageing women. That we each continue to carve out our own paths, expressing our unique personalities, hopes and dreams, and that we embrace our role as models of ageing for younger women. 

Silver Sirens Founder Faith Agugu

At its core, Silver Sirens is about creating community, building connection, and celebrating the ageing process and ourselves as women.

I invite you to join us!

My approach to ageing

I see ageing as an opportunity for women to redirect energy back to themselves, that was spent on building careers, nurturing a family and being everything to everyone. 

As a psychotherapist I see women facing the impact of their childhood, dysfunctional families or marital dynamics for the first time. 

I walk alongside women as they sort through the emotional wreckage of their past and become whole for the first time in their life. 

Midlife is a turning point for many women, where they turn a midlife ‘crisis’ into a midlife transition to reclaim their lives, passions and purpose.

What motivates me

As a child-free woman, I believe my purpose is to offer support and nurturing to women who have spent a lifetime looking after others. I have a fierce belief that everyone has a purpose and that everyone can heal. I do not believe for a moment that I can fix anyone but rather that my role is to walk alongside a woman on her journey to wholeness.

My offering to you

Silver Sirens - Ageing Well Mentoring 


In this 45 minute 1-one-1 session we explore your negative beliefs and fears around ageing, separate the fears you've internalised from your mother, family, peers and society. 

A combination of psychotherapy, mindfulness, creative visualisation and energetic healing to uncover and clear disruptive beliefs and emotions that are holding you back from thriving through midlife. 

"If you want to shift your inner dialogue about ageing, Faith Agugu is the woman to have in your corner. She has always had the instinct that she would get better with age, and she is hoping to inspire other women into the same mindset, hence Silver Sirens".

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